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Responding to Suspected Abuse: Best Practices

Acting Responsibly

When suspicions of abuse arise, taking appropriate action is crucial to ensure the safety of individuals involved.

Duty of Care

  • Recognise the Duty: It's imperative to acknowledge the responsibility to report suspected abuse.

Reporting Procedures

Reporting suspected abuse must be done correctly and promptly.

Effective Reporting

  • Informing Authorities: Notify the appropriate personnel or authorities, such as the police or ambulance service, depending on the severity of the situation.
  • Document Concerns: Keep detailed records of observations and concerns without making accusations.
  • Follow Local Policies: Adhere to established protocols and reporting methods specific to your workplace.

Handling the Situation

Approach the situation with care and caution to prevent escalation.

Maintaining Calm

  • Avoid Confrontation: Refrain from confronting individuals or investigating the situation independently.
  • Stay Composed: Keep the environment calm and refrain from making accusations, allowing higher authorities to handle the matter.

Documenting Actions

Keeping accurate records ensures accountability and aids in future reference.


  • Document Actions: Maintain a log of actions taken, including interactions with authorities and follow-up steps.
  • Include Details: Note relevant information such as vehicle details, crew names, and any actions taken for future reference.